Page 10 - East and West STB1 - jor - final 25 12 19
P. 10

Farming encouraged people to invent

          tools needed, such as the plow to loosen
          the soil, the wheel and the sail to make

          transportation easier encouraging trade
          between distant villages.

                                                                It turned people’s lives upside
                                                                down resulting in settling in
                                                                one area establishing villages,

                                                                providing people with a steady
                                                                supply of food unlike hunting.

         Moreover, population
         increased because food

         was available and trade
         developed because
         people started exchanging

         the extra food they had.
         Exchanging goods or

         services for other goods
         or services is known as

           Unit 1                          10

                        Workbook pages 5, 6 & 7
   5   6   7   8   9   10