Page 4 - East and West STB1 - jor - final 25 12 19
P. 4

Unit 1



                                The United Nations

          1.5.b Describe changes in society (e.g., political, social, cultural).

          1.8.c Apply knowledge of the past to explain current events.

          2.5.b Explain varied causes and effects of conflict and cooperation among

                   individuals, groups, societies and nations in the following categories:

                   politics, economics, geography, ethnicity/ race/ gender and culture.

          2.5.c Explain the major ways groups, societies and nations interact with one

                   another (e.g. trade, cultural exchanges and international organizations).
          2.8.a Explain forces that result in world interaction, such as those related to the

                    environment, belief systems, economics, geography/ land, ethnicity/ race/ gender and culture.
          2.8.e Identify issues and standards related to human rights.

          2.12.a Analyze the causes and effects of alliances and multinational organizations.
          2.12.b Analyze how cooperation and conflict influence political, economic and social conditions.

          2.12.c Evaluate efforts to resolve conflict within and among nations.

          4.5.b Compare and contrast the ways that different cultures meet human needs and concerns.

          6.5.a Identify issues involving rights, roles and responsibilities of individuals in relation

                   to broader society.

          6.5.j Explain different strategies to resolve conflict.

          6.5.g Identify and describe means by which citizens can monitor, evaluate and influence

                    actions of their government.
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